Incorporate integrative medicine into the traditional medicine and offer patients something different
Dr. Shah speaks of his own personal experience with Autism:
There is hope!
"The most rewarding part of my medical career has been helping my own son lose his Autism diagnosis. It is my passion. Many children have other systemic illnesses that need to be properly treated. It is a disorder of the immune system effecting the brain, gut, skin, growth and more."
"In dealing with my son and other patients, success and relief have come from combining the best of evidence based medicine with clinical wisdom. While there are no guarantees, parents who are willing to think outside of the box can see great results and outcomes for their children, sometimes after the first visit."
"Certain dietary changes and nutritional supplements can have a profound effects for the child. Certain biomedical tests can reveal immune dysfunction, nutritional deficiencies, oxidative stress, inflammation, and toxic burden. Correcting these imbalances can bring improvements in the child."
"The biomedical therapies offered at my clinic work alongside, and are not a replacement for, other effective traditional developmental therapies like ABA, speech, physical, and occupational therapies."
"This includes treatments for Autism, PDD-NOS, ADHD, Childhood OCD, Anxiety Disorders, Seizure Disorder and others."
"I look forward to working with you and your child and watching as they begin to flourish."